Importing Attachments from Excel
This feature is available in DataLog versions 5.10.3 and higher
When converting sales from an Excel file, attachments can be added to each sale based on chosen column header.
Previously, importing attachments required that the SaleIndex of the corresponding sale be included in the attachment name.
AgWare now allows the user to determine what field the attachment name is associated with
To use this feature, the attachments must be in the same folder as the Excel file.
The attachment only needs to contain the referenced name. There can be other characters in the file name.
Index Example
In this Example, there are 2 attachments that have a valid index in the name.
Using the Index number as the attachment identifier.
When the conversion is done, the 2 attachments from the example are attached to the correct sales.
Grantor Example
For this example There is a Grantor named Shearer and another named WW Ranches.
The folder that contains the Excel spreadsheet being imported also has images named Shearer-0_Barn.jpg and WW Ranches-0_bear butte.jpg (Names are NOT case sensitive).
Grantor2 (Name of the column header) was chosen as the basis for bringing in attachments.
When the conversion is done, the 2 attachments from the example are attached to the correct sales.